It is common for expecting parents to get the necessary supplies home even before the baby arrives. Why do they do so? This is just to make sure the little one has everything she needs and faces no discomfort at all. The same is the case with puppies.
Pet owners treat puppies like their own child and this is why they get the required puppy supplies ready before they bring the little furry kid home. Of course, there are endless supplies that people will suggest you or you will read about on the internet. But you do not need all of them, not at least in the initial days.
So, to end the confusion and to make things easier for you below is a brief list of puppy supplies that you need to be fully ready and organized. To see the full list of puppy supplies I recommend, read here.
Puppy Supplies
Leash and Collar

Right from the day you bring the little baby home, you need a collar for her. You can opt for something fancy or simple but make sure it can securely hold your pup’s identification tag and license. The identification tag must have your phone number and address. This is to make sure if your puppy somehow runs away then anyone who finds her will be able to contact you and get her safely home.
Your puppy supplies checklist should include a leash as well. You will need it to take your puppy for walks and also during obedience training. The leash, just like the collar, can be simple or fancy. It must have a loop that is comfortable for you to grip.
Proper-Sized Crate
The sooner a habit is developed the better for your pup and you. You should not wait for your puppy to grow a bit and then begin crate training him. Right from the day he enters your home, you need to start introducing him to the crate. Yes, initially it will be just for a minute or two, and the duration should increase as days pass by.
Travel carriers and crates are made of different materials like stainless steel, fiberglass, and plastic. The stainless steel one will last you through life but the fiberglass and plastic ones are light in weight and offer security and safety to your pup while flying or driving.
Comfy Bed

Puppies are so adorable that you would want to cuddle them and sleep. And while all that is okay it is equally important for you to train your puppy to sleep on her own bed. This is why the next in this list of puppy supplies is a nice comfy bed for your little adorable friend.
You can place the bed in her crate and this will house-train her and also offer a secure place to sleep. There are different types of couches, cushions, and pillows available and you can select either of them but just make sure it is very comfortable.
Water and Food Bowls
Your list of puppy supplies cannot be complete without water and food bowls. As soon as the little baby reaches your home you need to feed her water and also food at regular intervals, and for this purpose, you need at least 2 separate bowls.
There are so many varieties when it comes to pet bowls. You can opt for stainless steel, ceramic, or plastic bowls. The plastic ones are light in weight and least expensive but it can be scratched easily and can then collect residue and bacteria. The ceramic bowls are little heavy and expensive. The stainless steel ones are safe, easy to clean, and preferred by most pet parents.
Puppy Food
He may be really small but he does need to eat and this is why food forms an important part of puppy supplies. It will be a good idea to discuss with your vet about which brand of pet food will be ideal for your furry baby. Also, learn how much you should feed them and at what intervals. There are puppy specific foods when your fur baby is young to get all the right nutrients, and as they progress to an adult, can move to the adult food instead.
Just like human kids, it is very important for pups to get their required nutrients so that they grow well, strong, and attractive. So, be very careful with what you feed and don’t overfeed them.

To Conclude
Now that you have your puppy supplies ready you can go ahead and adopt a sweet little furry baby and bring her home! Your home is going to be filled with joy and positivity as the little one move around here and there, showing her sweet antics, and winning everyone’s hearts.
Read more on how to puppy proof your home and the supplies you need for puppy grooming.