One of the most common questions new puppy owners have is, how to stop puppy biting. Puppies are playful and for most of them biting starts when they have nothing better to do.
Biting is a way that most dogs interact with the world. It helps them discover what is around them. Unlike humans, they can’t pick up items with their paws. So, they use their mouths instead. Puppy biting is normal and all dogs do it.
You don’t need to be a dog whisperer when it comes to how to stop puppy biting. There are simple tips all dog owners can use and we have them for you.

Tip 1: Train It
It is common for puppies to start biting when they are bored. As soon as you notice the puppy biting something, take the opportunity to train it. By training we mean work on its behavior and give the pup commands such as sit, stay, lay down, and so on. You will need some treats to offer the puppy as a form of incentive when they act correctly on a command.
Training is great for mental stimulation, keeping your pup busy and preventing it from biting things. Training should be the first step when it comes to how to stop puppy biting.
Tip 2: Keep It Active
Dogs of all ages love to go out and exercise. Keeping a puppy active and busy through exercise helps eliminate all types of bad behavior, including biting. By taking it out for a jog, playing fetch, or tug, you provide mental and physical stimulation. Ultimately, making the puppy happy.
The amount of exercise per day depends on the breed and age of the puppy. We recommend you take it out twice a day for about 10-20 minutes for the first 12 months. Don’t overdo it though because excess exercise may result in joint problems later on.
Tip 3: Introduce Tug Of War
Tug of war is a simple yet effective game when you want to stop puppy biting. It essentially teaches your dog what it can and can’t bite on. You can take any thick rope for the puppy to bite and pull while you tug at the other end.
If you can’t find a rope, you can make use of a chew toy. If in the process of the game the puppy starts to bite you or something else, give it a firm “no” command. This will help them understand what they can bite and what they can’t, which is important when it comes to how to stop puppy biting.
Tip 4: Stop Playing When They Bite
There will be times when the puppy bites you during playtime. If this ever happens let them know that the behavior is not acceptable and stop playing with them altogether. Consider this as positive punishment, since it aids in changing unwanted, bad behavior in the puppy.
Tip 5: Give It A Timeout
Similar to giving your puppy a treat for good behavior, you can give it a timeout for bad. You don’t have to shout or scold it, just leave it in a room for 5 to 10 minutes when it starts so bite. This will help it understand that biting is bad behavior.
You have to be consistent with timeouts. The moment the puppy bites, you need to take action. Inconsistency will send a mixed message and your puppy will likely not learn to stop biting.
When Do Puppies Stop Biting?
Puppies usually bite between the age of 3 to 6 months. It can be longer if you don’t take the right measures to curb the behavior. At times puppy owners do all they can to stop them from biting but to no avail. Remember that behaviors vary from breed to breed and also depend on the environment. So, keep at it, and your dog will stop biting.

Conclusion On How To Stop Puppy Biting
As puppies grow, they all go through a “biting” phase. So, you don’t need to be alarmed when you notice your puppy doing it. You do need to take action to stop the behavior before it is too late. The tips we’ve mentioned on how to stop puppy biting should help you do that. Just remember to be patient throughout the process. Your puppy won’t change in a day, it will take a lot of time and effort from your end.