5 Essential Tips On How To Stop Your Puppy’s Biting Habit

Puppy Toys, Stop Puppy Biting

One of the most common questions new puppy owners have is, how to stop puppy biting. Puppies are playful and for most of them biting starts when they have nothing better to do. 

Biting is a way that most dogs interact with the world. It helps them discover what is around them. Unlike humans, they can’t pick up items with their paws. So, they use their mouths instead. Puppy biting is normal and all dogs do it. 

You don’t need to be a dog whisperer when it comes to how to stop puppy biting. There are simple tips all dog owners can use and we have them for you.

Getting A Puppy, Puppy Biting

Tip 1: Train It

It is common for puppies to start biting when they are bored. As soon as you notice the puppy biting something, take the opportunity to train it. By training we mean work on its behavior and give the pup commands such as sit, stay, lay down, and so on. You will need some treats to offer the puppy as a form of incentive when they act correctly on a command.

Training is great for mental stimulation, keeping your pup busy and preventing it from biting things. Training should be the first step when it comes to how to stop puppy biting. 

Tip 2: Keep It Active 

Dogs of all ages love to go out and exercise. Keeping a puppy active and busy through exercise helps eliminate all types of bad behavior, including biting. By taking it out for a jog, playing fetch, or tug, you provide mental and physical stimulation. Ultimately, making the puppy happy.

The amount of exercise per day depends on the breed and age of the puppy. We recommend you take it out twice a day for about 10-20 minutes for the first 12 months. Don’t overdo it though because excess exercise may result in joint problems later on. 

Tip 3: Introduce Tug Of War

Tug of war is a simple yet effective game when you want to stop puppy biting. It essentially teaches your dog what it can and can’t bite on. You can take any thick rope for the puppy to bite and pull while you tug at the other end. 

If you can’t find a rope, you can make use of a chew toy. If in the process of the game the puppy starts to bite you or something else, give it a firm “no” command. This will help them understand what they can bite and what they can’t, which is important when it comes to how to stop puppy biting. 

Tip 4: Stop Playing When They Bite

There will be times when the puppy bites you during playtime. If this ever happens let them know that the behavior is not acceptable and stop playing with them altogether. Consider this as positive punishment, since it aids in changing unwanted, bad behavior in the puppy. 

Tip 5: Give It A Timeout

Similar to giving your puppy a treat for good behavior, you can give it a timeout for bad. You don’t have to shout or scold it, just leave it in a room for 5 to 10 minutes when it starts so bite. This will help it understand that biting is bad behavior. 

You have to be consistent with timeouts. The moment the puppy bites, you need to take action. Inconsistency will send a mixed message and your puppy will likely not learn to stop biting. 

When Do Puppies Stop Biting?

Puppies usually bite between the age of 3 to 6 months. It can be longer if you don’t take the right measures to curb the behavior. At times puppy owners do all they can to stop them from biting but to no avail. Remember that behaviors vary from breed to breed and also depend on the environment. So, keep at it, and your dog will stop biting. 

Puppy Toys, Stop Puppy Biting

Conclusion On How To Stop Puppy Biting

As puppies grow, they all go through a “biting” phase. So, you don’t need to be alarmed when you notice your puppy doing it. You do need to take action to stop the behavior before it is too late. The tips we’ve mentioned on how to stop puppy biting should help you do that. Just remember to be patient throughout the process. Your puppy won’t change in a day, it will take a lot of time and effort from your end. 

The Best New Puppy List You Need For Getting Started

Puppy List

Getting a puppy is exciting. It’s exciting for you, it’s exciting for the entire family. But, there are a lot of things to consider and add to your puppy list before and after your puppy comes home.

Puppy List

Puppies, just like babies, need a lot of stuff. From food and water bowls to the proper food and dog shampoo. Being prepared means you’ll have more time to get to know your puppy. Moreover, having your puppy list before you bring your puppy home will allow you to do things like training and establishing sleep habits properly.

Pups, whether mature ones or babies are naturally curious. One of the first things you’ll need to do is puppy-proof your home. But that is just the start. If you’re welcoming home your first puppy, this puppy list can help prepare you for its arrival.

Things to Consider Before Adopting a Puppy

The wonderful experience of adopting a puppy is a big decision and one that is not to be taken lightly. Before you make that decision, you need to be aware of the many responsibilities you’ll have, such as:

  • Cost. Puppies come with many costs. You need to make sure you have the budget for all of them. From insurance, vet bills, and food, to ongoing costs like toys, poop bags, and hygiene products and medications. Raising a puppy is a big responsibility, not just emotionally, but financially as well.
  • Lifestyle. Do you have enough time to raise a puppy? Is your home appropriate and secure for a dog? Puppies need daily exercise, which means time for training and proper exercise is a must. Furthermore, puppies need emotional support as well, which means spending a lot of time with your pup.
  •  Vets. You need to make sure there are vets nearby. Your puppy should be seen by a vet shortly after you bring it home. Look for a licensed vet in your area, for standard checkups, vaccinations, and anything in between. You can never be too safe.
  • Find the Right Puppy. Some breeds might be a better fit than others. Depending on where you live, and the time you have on your hands, the size of the puppy is important. Apart from this, do you want a hyperactive dog or a lazier one, do you want a furry or a low-shedding dog? Lots of things to consider.
  • Dog Trainer. Having a training plan is always a good idea. Before you bring your pup home, figure out whether you are going to do the training yourself, or a certified dog trainer.

20 Things to Include in Your Personal Puppy List When Planning to Get a New Puppy

Dog Crate and Playpen

New pups need training, and crate training is one of the most effective training methods. Dog crates are great for whenever you can’t supervise them as well. With the proper dog crate, your pup will be confined to an area where accidents are contained. Moreover, the playpen can also be a safe place where your pup wouldn’t chew on things it shouldn’t.

Dog Toys and Chews

Your puppy list won’t be complete without a variety of dog toys and chews. These toys will help a lot when your puppy starts teething and starts chewing on anything it can get a hold of. Toys are also a great way to keep your pup entertained and engaged both physically and mentally.

Leash and Collar

The collar and leash are more than just aesthetics. For safe and enjoyable walks, and successful training sessions, choosing the correct collar is important. Aim for an adjustable collar. Moreover, make sure the collar and leash combination are sturdy and reliable. You don’t want your pup to run away on your first walk.

Food and Treats

Puppies need proper nutrition in order to grow. Be sure to have the proper food for its age, size, and breed. For example, larger breeds are going to need a different type of food than smaller breeds. Puppy treats also play a big role in training your pup. Hard or soft, high or low in calories, big or small, make sure you get the proper treats on your puppy list.

Puppy Pee Pads

Training your pup to potty outside should be a priority. However, outside training is not always an option, especially if you live in an apartment. Therefore, grass pee pads, as well as washable pee pads, disposable pee pads, or scented pee pads should be on your puppy list.


Additional items you should add to your checklist:

  • Food and Water Bowls
  • Cleaning Products and Grooming Tools
  • Blankets
  • Dog Bed
  • Poop Bags
  • Nametags
  • Stain and Odor Remover
  • Gate
  • Food Containers
  • Car Restraint


The first few months with a new pup will be incredibly fun, exciting, and joyful. However, to be truly prepared, you need to be ready before you bring your pup home. And with this checklist, you are going to be more than prepared to welcome a pup into your home. Although you won’t need everything on this puppy list, it always better to be aware of the things you’ll need as your puppy grows.

Puppy Starter List

small puppies

Bringing a new pup home, especially for the first time, can be very exciting. The pup is not only a great addition to your family, but in no time, you will have a best friend welcoming you home after a long day. How exciting can that get!

First things first, you need to do some ice breaking to get that relationship moving. So, how do you build a relationship with your dog to ensure they are well taken care of? Puppy care is fundamental to creating a bond with your pup.

Good news is, it’s simpler to bond with your pup than your fully developed dog. So, are you ready for some pup homecoming? We have prepared you a puppy starter list to guide you through bonding with your dog and puppy care. What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Create a friendly and welcoming environment

The first simple step of the puppy starter list is to ensure they feel welcome in their new home. A puppy may feel anxious and even scared of the new house and the environment. As a pup parent, you should create a safe space for your pup to feel comfortable and welcomed (puppy proof your home).

getting a new puppy checklist

For instance, too much can be overwhelming. Imagine your pup getting lost in another room while wandering around. They can get distressed and even panicky.

An important key point on this puppy starter list is confining your puppy to a few rooms as they get conversant with their new home. You can put up small baby gates and barriers within which you can place the pup’s bed and food.

Creating a safe space for your pup, as we have mentioned on our puppy supply list also includes providing a quiet and peaceful environment for your new guest. Loud sounds can scare your pup, and so will many people. If you are handling a puppy from a shelter with a history of abuse or trauma, you should be extra gentle and friendly. Avoid startling the puppy at all costs to make bonding even easier.

Spending time with your puppy

Your puppy is not meant to wait by the door for you when you get home. The reason you got the pup in the first place was for companionship. The second item on our puppy starter lists is spending time with your puppy. Time is priceless, and you should always create time for your pup. There are many ways to spend time with your pup, for instance, brushing your puppy. Although it may sound silly, brushing time allows you a minute with your puppy. It is a simple ritual that can create such a strong bond between you and your canine. Grooming your dog makes them see you as the care provider, and you only. Therefore, it earns you trust from your pup.

Talk to your puppy
puppy boarding

Even though you and your puppy may not speak the same language, this next point of our starter list is key to bonding with your puppy. It would help if you talked to your pup when you are feeding them. Initiate a conversation like asking about their day or talk about yours.

Developing reliable communication with your dog also allows you to learn their body language and responses. You will be able to tell when they are anxious, happy, or fearful.


Even without a puppy starter list, who doesn’t enjoy playing with their dog? Playing with your pup contributes to your bonding as they feel loved and appreciated by the new owner. There are many games you can play with your puppy. For instance, you can play fetch in the park. It can also be a great way to explore new places with your pup.

Also, you can enroll your puppy in dog sports. There are countless options from agility games to fly and herding. The main reason for this or any puppy list is to help you bond with your dog. Choose carefully!

Train your puppy

Another key point on our puppy starter list is training your puppy. As much as you can pull on a happy, loving owner, you should also be able to say no to your puppy. A good puppy parent is one who can firmly but fairly train a puppy.

You can train your puppy using the reward system, where you give treats such as cookies on any excellent deed they do. For instance, if you ask them to sit, and they do, a treat will go a long way in communicating that the pup did a good deed, and they should keep it up.

You can correct your puppy calmly without necessarily having to be harsh or abusive verbally or physically. You shouldn’t entertain unnecessary barking or pooping everywhere.

Walks and Exercise
puppy socialization

Time to put on those gym shoes and take your puppy out for a walk! It’s important to bond with your dog by taking walks in the park together. You can also walk around the neighborhood to familiarize them with their new environment. You could make it a morning jog with your puppy to exercise and bonding. This also helps get their energy out, and as a puppy, if they aren’t given the adequate attention, they will most likely turn to being curious (which could mean digging or chewing furniture).

Social skills

Although it may be tempting to smother your puppy with cuddles and hugs all the time, it’s crucial to allow them some independence and their own me time. It would be best if you did not turn into some “puppyzilla” over your canine. It is a crucial puppy starter to help develop social skills in your puppy.

You can do this by taking them for play dates with other puppies in the park or leave them to establish their own living space with the other dogs if you have any.


While trying to get all tips of a puppy starter list right, always remember that it’s the simple things that matter the most. Cuddling with your puppy and feeding them every day speaks volumes compared to buying expensive toys.

Finally, even with a puppy starter list, remember to give it time. Not even Rome was built in a single day. What makes you think a bond is created in a day or two? It may take time for your little buddy to be completely comfortable with you, but finally, you will have that breakthrough!

Have a read through our blog post on what to do when you first bring home a puppy!

The Must-Have Puppy Supplies For Every Pet Parent

best bedding for puppies

It is common for expecting parents to get the necessary supplies home even before the baby arrives. Why do they do so? This is just to make sure the little one has everything she needs and faces no discomfort at all. The same is the case with puppies.

Pet owners treat puppies like their own child and this is why they get the required puppy supplies ready before they bring the little furry kid home. Of course, there are endless supplies that people will suggest you or you will read about on the internet. But you do not need all of them, not at least in the initial days.

So, to end the confusion and to make things easier for you below is a brief list of puppy supplies that you need to be fully ready and organized. To see the full list of puppy supplies I recommend, read here.

Puppy Supplies
Leash and Collar
puppy supplies

Right from the day you bring the little baby home, you need a collar for her. You can opt for something fancy or simple but make sure it can securely hold your pup’s identification tag and license. The identification tag must have your phone number and address. This is to make sure if your puppy somehow runs away then anyone who finds her will be able to contact you and get her safely home.

Your puppy supplies checklist should include a leash as well. You will need it to take your puppy for walks and also during obedience training. The leash, just like the collar, can be simple or fancy. It must have a loop that is comfortable for you to grip.

Proper-Sized Crate

The sooner a habit is developed the better for your pup and you. You should not wait for your puppy to grow a bit and then begin crate training him. Right from the day he enters your home, you need to start introducing him to the crate. Yes, initially it will be just for a minute or two, and the duration should increase as days pass by.

Travel carriers and crates are made of different materials like stainless steel, fiberglass, and plastic. The stainless steel one will last you through life but the fiberglass and plastic ones are light in weight and offer security and safety to your pup while flying or driving.

Comfy Bed
best bedding for puppies

Puppies are so adorable that you would want to cuddle them and sleep. And while all that is okay it is equally important for you to train your puppy to sleep on her own bed. This is why the next in this list of puppy supplies is a nice comfy bed for your little adorable friend.

You can place the bed in her crate and this will house-train her and also offer a secure place to sleep. There are different types of couches, cushions, and pillows available and you can select either of them but just make sure it is very comfortable.

Water and Food Bowls

Your list of puppy supplies cannot be complete without water and food bowls. As soon as the little baby reaches your home you need to feed her water and also food at regular intervals, and for this purpose, you need at least 2 separate bowls.

There are so many varieties when it comes to pet bowls. You can opt for stainless steel, ceramic, or plastic bowls. The plastic ones are light in weight and least expensive but it can be scratched easily and can then collect residue and bacteria. The ceramic bowls are little heavy and expensive. The stainless steel ones are safe, easy to clean, and preferred by most pet parents.

Puppy Food

He may be really small but he does need to eat and this is why food forms an important part of puppy supplies. It will be a good idea to discuss with your vet about which brand of pet food will be ideal for your furry baby. Also, learn how much you should feed them and at what intervals. There are puppy specific foods when your fur baby is young to get all the right nutrients, and as they progress to an adult, can move to the adult food instead.

Just like human kids, it is very important for pups to get their required nutrients so that they grow well, strong, and attractive. So, be very careful with what you feed and don’t overfeed them.

puppy socialization
To Conclude

Now that you have your puppy supplies ready you can go ahead and adopt a sweet little furry baby and bring her home! Your home is going to be filled with joy and positivity as the little one move around here and there, showing her sweet antics, and winning everyone’s hearts.

Read more on how to puppy proof your home and the supplies you need for puppy grooming.

New Puppy Care Tips

special dog

Congratulations! You finally did it. You’ve just gotten a new member of the family coming over, and you are ecstatic. Your life will never be the same again. Well, at least for me, life changed for the better after a grueling period with my new-found love. Despite the constant jibber-jabber and excitement from the neighbor’s kids, I didn’t really understand the magnitude and the ramifications of what I’d gotten myself into, bearing in mind that I already had a long-standing family member with us. Your guess is as good as mine. Chaos! I didn’t have the opportunity of getting some of the new puppy advice but had to find it all myself, but don’t fret. I’m here now to help. Rest easy that your transition will be as smooth as a baby’s bum. So, what are the tips and experiences that might help when it comes to puppy care? Indulge yourself.

Heading Home

weaning puppies

The first step towards bonding with your puppy is on your first journey home. Whether it’s a long drive from the breeder or shelter or a short flight, chances are that anxiety attack will follow. One of the new puppy advice I received was to tag along with a towel or a t-shirt that bore its litter mates or mother’s scent. I wish I hadn’t received such a piece of advice later since my journey was marred with constant whining and barking due to anxiety. Puppies tend to build up tension once they get out of their mother’s comfort or get introduced to new environments.

Calming an anxious puppy is an uphill task since they have the least control of their bowel movements. Long story short, I arrived home in a stinky car and had to air it out for a few days. You don’t have to go through this as it’s simpler to calm it down. Just carry is blanket with you (or have some puppy pads handy!).

Some of the new puppy advice I later got was patting or stroking the dog while talking to it. At the time, it didn’t occur to me that talking to the dog was an effective stress reliever and a way of teaching the dog to realize and recognize your voice until later on. I applied such advice, and she’s now outgoing and doesn’t hide under the table like before.

Pecking Order

For dog owners who already have a long-standing member, a new pecking order is a must. In my case, Charlie wouldn’t let it go easy when I introduced Bailey. Being territorial, she was overly protective of me leading to elevated tension. One of the most common new advice for those with existing dogs is to let the pecking order naturally take its course. We know that your overprotective of the new puppy, but trust me, it does more harm than good. Just be sure to keep an eye that the older dog doesn’t overstep its boundary.

It was a stressful time for me, and at times, I was an emotional wreck. My older dog used to bite the tiny new one, and I would yell at her. Little did I know that my actions made the situation worse. The older one ended up retreating and seemed to be more stressed. In such situations, it would only be prudent to say a firm no until it gets the hang of it. I became an expert on getting a new puppy quickly.

Spend Ample Time Together

I know that most of us are on the grind with crazy shifts and crunched for time. Termed as one of the most fundamental new puppy advice out there,

Spending ample time with your new-found love ensures that there is minimal rein.

You’ll be able to detect and rectify certain behaviors early before they become habitual. In my case, I came home to find tissue linings strewn all over the living room area. If that’s not enough, my puppy swallowed one of my misplaced prized earrings. I had to prep her up for surgery to get the earring back. It all goes to show that spending more time together limits their destructive nature. I should add to the new puppy advice that if you can’t devote ample time to your pup, readily carry them to work. At least you can periodically bump in and check in on them. This time could be used for puppy grooming to bond you and your pup in a productive way.

Finding the Appropriate Vet

Puppy needs

Speaking of surgery, it was a nerve-wracking experience for me since she recently just got out of the shelter. I didn’t know the kind of internal damage the earring had inflicted on her. Fast forward, she was awarded a clean bill of health, thanks to the efforts of the vet. You must have a qualified vet a call away since such animals have a tendency to get sickly, partly due to our own faults. Having your own qualified vet is among the best new puppy advice you can get out there since it acts as a buffer to some of the nerve-wracking experiences such as mine.


Pet puppies are cute and adorable, but they do come with responsibilities that may actually weigh one down. I hope that some of these experiences will go a long way in equipping first-time puppy owners for that elusive smooth transition.

Find all you need for you puppy supply list here!

Best Toys For A New Puppy

Best toys for new puppy

Puppies are a great pet that can add colors to your life. They are the most loyal pets that we can have and they are among the most adopted pets because of their friendly nature. Their property of paying back love is something that can make you feel comforted and happy, especially in this era of selfishness. But, to adopt a puppy comes up with certain responsibilities. Experienced people have a good understanding of the needs and requirements of puppies. As you can not give all your time to puppies, there is a need for them to have some toys to pass their time. In this article, we’ll discuss why puppies need toys and some best toys for a new puppy.

Best toys for new puppy

Puppies require both physical and emotional support. It’s their innate physical nature to bite and chew things. Emotionally, they need activities when kept away from their family. Toys can partially or completely fulfill such needs of puppies. A number of such toys are available with whom puppies can play and bite them. These toys help puppies in time pass and also fulfill their chewing requirement. Such toys are also necessary because they help prevent the biting of your household things like the couch, pillows, tissue rolls, etc. by puppies. The best toys for a new puppy will help you avoid such problems.

Boredom is the root cause of destructive behavior in puppies. It also leads to attention-seeking behavior in them. Once again dog toys help in these situations. Some toys are great mental stimulators for puppies. They eliminate the boring time period and also help in the behavioral modification in puppies. Moreover, toys are a good means for teaching some skills to the puppies. Dogs take good interests in challenges. You can make puppy learn eating and other behavioral habits using these toys. Also, the toys are helpful in improving the emotional intelligence of puppies. That’s a lot of discussion about the need for toys. The next section of this article is concerned with the list of best toys for a new puppy.

What exactly are the best toys for a new puppy

1. Kong:

This is the most recommended toy to be included in the list of toys for puppies. It’s a multifunctional toy with a beehive shape and made up of rubber. The inner cave-like empty space can be filled with soft foods. Puppies have to figure out the ways to get the food out of Kong using their tongue. Make sure to stuff Kong with moist food so that the puppies don’t get frustrated by dried and unreachable food. Thus Kong is a challenge for puppies that improve their learning and a very good time passing toy. Its like a best friend to puppies and most people review it as the best possible toy. Kong is available in multi colors and varied shapes. Its cost is also absolutely affordable so it’s among the best toys for a new puppy. 

2. Sharlov:

Sharlovy is another no stuffed dog chewable toy recommended for puppies. It’s multiple pieces of toys with 14 pack rope, Frisbee, dog toothbrush, etc. It’s a wonderful tool for engaging puppies in healthy physical activity. Therefore if you are busy and don’t have enough time for your puppy, a Sharlovy will be really helpful on this occasion. Dog owners come up with a very positive review of this toy. Sharlovy is also available in different shapes and colors. It is also low in cost so you can buy one for your puppy. If you are looking for best toys for a new puppy then Sharlovy is a toy of your choice.

3. Chuckit:

It is a small toy that functions as a ball thrower. Chuckit balls are soft rounded balls make of rubber. Puppies rush to get the ball. Chuckit is, therefore, a sports toy for puppies. It engages them in physical activity that is good to keep them lively and energetic. A happy and playing puppy is always lovable to watch. Thus Chuckit is also included among the list of best toys for a new puppy. It is a very simple and cheap toy but beneficial for the puppies.


There are a number of other toys available online that are good for your puppies. Puppies love to play with these toys. You must choose the best toys for a new puppy to manage their activities. However, these should be a limited time for puppies to play with these toys. This will help in keeping their interest in the toys because too much playing time makes them frustrated and fed-up of their toys. Therefore these toys must be provided to puppies to keep them lively, healthy and energetic. These toys are not only good for puppies (and adult dogs) but they also enable you to manage your time. Therefore it is very helpful to have the best toys for a new puppy.

Getting A Puppy

getting a puppy

Getting a puppy takes great responsibility and care. But getting a puppy is so rewarding. A dog is said to be a mans best friends, they’re kept for companionship. There are a variety of animals adopted as pets and the choice depends upon the taste and likeness of a person. However, puppies are one of the best pets and most commonly adopted especially in the USA. Also, the trend for adopting puppies as pets is increasing day by day. Although getting a puppy is a wonderful thing but its parenting is not an easy task. There are a few basic things you need to learn when adopting a puppy for the first time, which we have listed below!

Health and medical care
getting a new puppy checklist

The first thing you need to do after getting a puppy is to find a vet for your new family member. A good vet will always guide you through all the health plans for your puppy. They also vaccinate your puppy to eradicate any risk of getting a dog-related disease, and take care of your pet when ill. Having a vet solves the health-related problems of your puppy!

A healthy puppy is always a pleasure to play with. Setting a diet plan for the puppy is another basic requirement. When and what to feed are always troubling questions. You should discuss this with the vet to come up with the diet plan. This is because puppies require different diets for their growing bodies than adult dogs (to see what puppy food experts recommend, have a read here). Creating the right diet for your puppy can involve having a happier, healthier dog, and avoid problems related to growth defects. The amount to feed your dog and at what time of day is also important to know too! The veterinarian will help you in this regard completely but following that plan is your own duty.

Training for physical activities

Another important thing is to establish a bathroom routine for your puppy. Bad washroom habits are always a headache for you and your home, so puppies need to be trained to learn bathroom rules. Early age is best for making them learn these habits because once they have passed this age, the learning becomes a lot harder to master. There are schemes available to help make them learn these habits at home. For example, taking your puppy out for potty after he wakes up from a nap or after any physical activity. These things help in building a reflex, that the next time your puppy needs to poop, he’ll give you a signal.

best treats for puppies

Teaching obedience is also necessary for building a good love for your puppy. Positive and negative reinforcements can be employed for this purpose. Rewarding your puppy with his favourite biscuit or treat whenever he obeys you is one way to learn (I have recommended the tasty puppy treats I used for my puppy’s to help with training here). Also, small punishments, like a time out for disobeying, are helpful in some cases as well.

Social behavior

To avoid any abnormal behavior of your puppy down the road when they see other animals or even people, you need to teach him social habits. The first 8 weeks after being born, spent with their mother helps them learn manners (if they come from the right parents), but this isn’t enough for life. Making them interact with other animals after getting a puppy, through going to puppy school, will help in learning how to interact in the company of other dogs and humans is essential! As these situations are encountered all the time, when having guests over or just taking your dog for a walk to the park.

Puppy proofing your home
pee pads

Puppies love to search for new things, and in this search, often ends in chewing, digging or knocking things over. So a helpful hint is to keep the expensive, breakable or irreplaceable things away from their reach! Instead, research suggests to avoid this and teach your puppy not to touch your things (like your shoes!) you should provide them with related toys to play with. (You can find our full list to puppy proof your house here).

Puppies are sensitive to emotions. They need your time and care. Give them proper love and care that they deserve, they’ll be all yours afterward. They are one of the most loyal pets, so your attention is required to gain their loyalty.

Safety and measures

Keeping an eye out for any abnormal behaviors and illnesses and consulting a vet about a treatment is part of your job looking after your pup. Signs and symptoms of illnesses should all be observed and any signs such as vomiting, diarrhea or low energy should be reported to the vet and they can provide medication or advice for any respective illness.

One common finding is that some household items are dangerous for puppies. Uncovered electric wires and toxic substances can cause serious harm to curious puppies. To enable safe safety measures these things must be kept out of reach of puppies.


These are some basic things a newbie needs to learn while parenting a puppy. There is nothing hard in it, especially if you have love and feelings for the wonderful creature. But as getting a puppy demands some care, all you need is to give a little effort to keep a healthy and loving puppy, and they will be by your side for their whole life.