There is nothing more exciting than bringing a puppy home. The joy and companionship the pup brings are unmatched and you’ll fall in love with it in no time.
As a new pup owner, you must understand that you need to dedicate a lot of time and commitment to the puppy. Otherwise, it will feel neglected and develop bad habits, which is something you want to avoid. Let’s look at how you can ensure your puppy has a healthy environment and easily adapts to its new home with these 4 essentials tips when bringing home a new puppy.

1. Taking it home
The ride home will make the puppy anxious and nervous. Use this time to bond with your puppy. If you can, have someone else drive and keep the pup in your lap, try to make it as comfortable as possible. There may be times when anxiety kicks in and the pup starts to bark, but calm it down by petting it. Be patient and remain calm throughout the ride home, so you don’t add to the anxiety of your new pup.
2. Have your house ready
Bringing a puppy home requires you puppy-proof your home beforehand. This will protect your belongings and keep the pup from getting hurt.
Start by stowing away all items that can easily be chewed. You need to tuck away electric wires, underneath and behind furniture, so the pup has no way of accessing them. Your home is like an open playground for them and they will touch and chew anything they come across. Make sure you put away all valuable things that could potentially harm the puppy if it came into contact with it.
The second part of preparing a home when bringing a puppy home is having the right supplies. You need to prepare as if you were bringing a baby home. The puppy has specific needs, therefore, you need the following items:
- A dog bed: This will ensure the puppy sleeps comfortably. You can place the bed in your room to start and then as it grows, move it out into a bigger space.
- Dog food: Get food appropriate for the age that is approved by the American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), so you know it provides optimal nutrition.
- Bowls: Feeding and drinking bowls are a must, you can find them in ceramic and stainless steel.
- Toys: Chew and play toys will keep your pup busy. Make sure the toys are big enough so the pup doesn’t end up swallowing them.
- Collar and leash: The puppy must get used to both early on.
- Grooming items: Brush, comb, and dog shampoo
- Cleaning supplies: Gloves, disinfectant, and disposable paper.
Taking all safety measures and buying the essential items listed above will have your home prepped for the new addition.
3. Get ready to dedicate extra time to the puppy
Young puppies require a lot of attention and it can be difficult to grant them that with how busy we get. Therefore, you need to sit and plan out your day so you can dedicate proper time to the pup. Proper time means giving it all your attention, so put away your phone. This will help you bond with it and also make the transition for the puppy to its new home.
Not providing adequate attention when bringing a puppy home will only make it act out. The lack of attention makes the puppy more prone to develop bad habits, growing anxiety, and adopting a destructive nature. Your time, love, and affection will limit such behaviors.
4. Line up a vet
Don’t wait until after bringing a puppy home to line up with a vet, do your research beforehand. Look for options locally and don’t just settle for the closest one. Search reviews online and ask them about the shot schedule, parasite control, and deworming to determine the services they offer and their expertise. Settle on the one you are most comfortable with.

Bringing A Puppy Home
Don’t let the excitement of bringing a puppy home deter your commitment to ensuring that you and your home are ready for the new addition. Buying the right supplies, dedicating time, and having a vet lined up are essential to optimal puppy care. So, whether you just brought a puppy home or plan on getting one, make sure to follow our tips to make the transition to your home a smooth process for your new pup.